The nanny diaries

So I got to the point, with E's sleep, that I needed help in the form of chemical substances or a person. I chose the person. We've hired a night nanny to help out for 2 weeks (the time she says it will take to get him used to sleeping through the night in the crib). And I was so relieved. I was getting so anxious before bedtime, my stomach tied in knots, wondering what I was going to get that night (and knowing it wasn't going to be good).

Then I got stressed after the nanny came, even though she seemed perfectly nice, competent, firm and kind (in short, everything you would want in a night nanny). I felt like a horrible person leaving E with someone else for the night (even though D and I would be there, and I know E needs to learn to sleep in the crib). So I chickened out and went to my in-laws' apartment (they're away for the summer) and D stayed at our place.

It felt so unusual to go to sleep without a baby in the apartment. A few times, I even thought I heard a baby crying, but it was probably my imagination. I drifted off around 11:16 pm and woke up around 6:30 am (not bad, especially since we had to relieve the night nanny at 7 am and I wanted to talk with her before she left). So I stuffed my clothes in a plastic bag and headed out to the elevator. It all felt very walk-of-shame, especially since I ran into a guy in the elevator. I can only imagine what he thought.


This suzy said…
I'm not sure I've even heard of a night nanny before, but it sounds like a good solution. How did she and D say the first night went?
Bearette said…
To my surprise, she said it will be a smooth transition and it was very good for the first night in the crib. She said he woke up once briefly and went right back to sleep; then he woke up later, she fed him milk out of a bottle, and he went back to sleep.
Anonymous said…
I've read that you can outsource potty training, too. :D
Bearette said…
Apparently they do it at daycare, at least in Canada...

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