
People often tell me how easy E is. "He must not give you any trouble at all!" said a woman in the elevator. His babysitter said, "He's so easy. I've never seen him cry yet. If he starts to fuss, I can just distract him." So I told her how he hates the crib. I've started putting him in it again without a lot of success. He slept there 2 hours last night, then started screaming. I took him into bed and he slept for 8 hours straight. So you can see I have a real disincentive to crib him. But I don't want to co-sleep forever.

My babysitter said, "Yeah, my brother hated the crib too. He was climbing into bed with my parents until he was, like, eight."



Anonymous said…

I have no firsthand advice, but I remember reading her post about this and it seemed to make sense even to me. It seems like a good way to get at the desired behavior (sleeping the crib) without making the child unnecessarily unhappy in the process.
Bearette said…
Thanks! I'll have to look at that.
Bearette said…
Just read it and realized I've read that post before. I do fear the cribbing/crying/comforting cycle could take forever with him. But it's definitely an option.
Anonymous said…
I probably linked it on here before :) I don't ready many blogs written by moms with babies, so yours and hers are my go-to source.
Anonymous said…
It's nice that he has a good attachment to you. But I don't think I'd want my 8-year old in bed with me every night!
Caro said…
My son still sneaks in my bed sometimes but it is because he is "askeered" of the dark.

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