Happy New Year's, everyone! I'm very excited about the restaurant we're going to tonight. We're going to an early seating with E. It's a pizzeria run by Mario Batali, and I'm still trying to figure out what to get. Will it be the pasta with hazelnuts, butternut squash and smoked ricotta? Probably. And dessert will be the apple crisp, if I get one. So I guess I've figured it out :)

It was snowing, all pretty-like, and now it's stopped.

I may make a cauliflower/tofu/tomato/pea concoction for lunch. If I make it, and it's good, I'll let you know.

And also...I really liked Matrimony by Joshua Henkin. You might want to check it out.


This suzy said…
Happy New Year! Sounds like you'll be having tasty stuff all day! :)
blackcrag said…
Happy New Year, Beartette! Sounds like the right way to bring it in; good food and loved ones with you.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year! I hope the lunch concoction turned out. You had right up until "pea."
BabelBabe said…
i don't know quite why but the book that sprang to mind when I read the Amazon's synopsis of Matrimony was Siri Hustvedt's What I Loved. You might enjoy it, it's a lovely novel....

my word verif is "later" ha!
Bearette said…
Oh, I read that one! I did like it.

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