Copycat eating

D likes to eat whatever I'm eating. I got up to have a cracker and some lemonade, and he asked me to pour him some. If I was not into the lemonade, it would rot in the fridge, uneaten (unconsumed?). It's kind of cute, I guess :)


Anonymous said…
What if you eat a sweet potato? WHAT THEN?
Anonymous said…
Also- undrunken. I'm pretty sure that's the correct word.
Bearette said…
Good point - he wouldn't follow me there ;)

I considered undrunken, but then I thought it sounded like alcohol was involved :)
Anonymous said…
I'm marvelling at your ability to eat "a" cracker. Just one? Or is it like saying, "I'm going to have a bite to eat," when you obviously mean you're going to have more than one bite?
Bearette said…
I actually did have one cracker. But if it had been a potato chip? Definitely would have gone back for more...
This suzy said…
Maybe it doesn't occur to him until you mention it. lol

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