The worry gene

I seem to be missing a gene that most people have, a gene that confers the ability to calm the $@^ down. D has it in spades. But I don't and fear I never will. And I do yoga, for heaven's sake. How do you guys handle anxiety?

Halloween doesn't really help. I make exceptions for cute little kids who dress up as bunnies and pumpkins and ducks. But the adults who cruise the streets of Manhattan on October 31 scare the @^* out of me. I saw a guy with a really scary mask and a flowing black cape. I also saw two trannies, one in a silver minidress and another in a belly shirt with a Goth ponytail.

I think I'd like to hibernate for the next month or so. Bears have the right idea, and after all, I'm a bearette...


Anonymous said…
I was an absolute mess I hung out with the dogs and took a valium. That took the edge off for me. :-)

Although clearly that's not something someone should do on a regular basis to calm down.
Roxanne said…
I was just thinking the other day that the streets of NYC must be filled with a ton of freaks this time of year. It's probably scary going out at night. ;)

Anxiety. Hmmmm. That's a good question. I usually try to make sure that I have some sort of de-stressing activity every day to help. Exercise, doing some sort of hobby (knitting, reading, etc.) seem to help for me. But there are times that I get so stressed out that even those don't help. I wonder if there's a connection between flucuations in hormone levels since most of us (females) tend to be more off kilter during 'that time of the month'.
Bearette said…
Leah - maybe I should borrow our dogs?

Rox - maybe distraction is key. And yes, I'm sure hormones are playing a role...
bdogg_mcgee said…
I'm a chronic worry-er just about every single day of the year! What is it with men being able to compartmentalize and just put things out of their minds?
This suzy said…
I can calm myself down, but even when I think I'm doing okay, if I'm worried about something (like immigration crap) my body ends up taking it out on my stomach. I'll spare you the specifics. lol
Bearette said…
Bdogg - I know, i am seriously jealous! if we could only borrow that part of their minds...
Mz.Elle said…
I don't have it either.
My solution? Embrace it.
I am kind of enjoying being high strung.
Anonymous said…
I wish I had an answer, but I suffer from chronic anxiety. And here I thought if I did more yoga, I'd be okay :) Hang in there, sister. Sometimes you just have to be patient.

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