I realized I hadn't blogged in a few days. It kind of slipped to the back of my mind. Well, here's some of the stuff that's been going on with me/us:

I'd been remiss about watching my Netflix movies, in particular Step Up (starring Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum - Who? Right.) Actually, you may remember that Jenna dated Justin Timberlake for a while, and was one of his dancers. I felt like it was time to get some new movies, so we watched this one. It wasn't great but not horrible either. It's a good one to watch with your significant other/friends because you'll have fun accurately predicting most of the movie based on the first 19 minutes. Then, at the 1 hr 30 min mark, you can accurately predict the ending.

I've also been working on a number of knitting projects. I'm finishing up a capelet for my cousin, and a scarf with a fun pattern and a hat are also in progress. Hopefully I'll have pictures of everything up within a week.

I also think Big Love has spoiled me for most television. After seeing how great that show is, how much care its writers took to develop the characters and create a convincing fictional world, I just can't swallow network TV* -- CBS's Monday night lineup, in particular. Okay, it was only The Big Bang Theory that sent me to the other room. But still. I hope that piece of dreck is off the airwaves soon.

*With the exception of The Office, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy (which I have to watch on ABC.com because it conflicts with The Office.) I especially like the way they handled Jim and Pam's new relationship on The Office...not too mushy, kind of subversive and clever. That could sum up the whole show, in fact.


Anonymous said…
Step Up? Oh noooooooo! M and I rented it because I love movies that feature dancing, and we groaned all the way through it. We finally just skipped to the end to see if it turned out the way we thought it would (it did).
Bearette said…
I usually love dancing movies too ;) But yes, definitely predictable. And the dancing was probably better in Flashdance.
This suzy said…
I can't wait til we can rent Big Love. I need to get Master hooked too! And the only network shows I watch at this point are Ugly Betty and Grey's. Most of it just doesn't catch my interest anymore.
Anonymous said…
ITA about Jim and Pam. I liked that it was satisfying without being the center of the show. I hope that their relationship can continue that way; otherwise they'll have to construct conflicts for them!


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