Wristwarmers/fingerless gloves

I always thought fingerless gloves were rather silly, but these ones (that I just finished making) are very cozy. I'm wearing them just because they feel nice.

I might make another pair next. They actually have a pair on Ravelry called Alice's Mitts, based on the mitts Alice Cullen wore in Twilight or New Moon. I know. But they're cute.

My reading life is a little unsatisfying these days. Right now I'm finishing up The Double Comfort Safari Club by Alexander McCall Smith. It's the eleventh entry in The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series, and it's just starting to go downhill. I might skip the next one. His Isabel Dalhousie series is still good, though.


Lisa said…
Wow! You are a knitting machine these days! And everything is so super cute.
Bearette said…
Thanks :) I am a little obsessed...
C said…
Your knitting is AWESOME! I want to make some fancy mitts soon. I did a bunch of plain, ribbed ones last year, but now I want to try fancy. Have you seen the ones on Ravelry calle "Twilight" (which seem to have nothing to do with the books) that look like black trees against a purple sky? Sooooo pretty!
Bearette said…
Thanks! I just looked them up after reading your comment. The Winter Twilight Mitts, made with cashmere? They're pretty :)

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