I realized I have not put up any pictures of baby E here in a long, long time. He will be 2 in June! Not so much a baby anymore. Anyway, here he is:

My mother sent these letters for his room, as an Easter gift. Right now, E is infatuated with letters. When he saw them, he cried out, "M! S!" and immediately started playing with them. He likes numbers too, just not as much. And he is obsessed with books. Just like me :)


Is it the angle of how he's sitting or does he have long legs? If so, he's gonna be tall....
Bearette said…
I think he does have long legs. My brother is 6'3", so maybe the little dude will be tall.
my brother in law is 6'9" my girls are 5'7" my son is the same... my husband was 6'...now my BIL's daughter is a couple inches taller than my kids and she's 17....
Caro said…
He is very cute!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Caro. I think so, too :)
Poppy said…
E fix!!!!

He's spelling things now... oh, my.
This suzy said…
I can't believe how big he's getting!

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