Here it is, folks. I screwed up the sewing part a bit (I hate sewing), but I think the knitting came out well.


Poppy said…
Bearette said…
Thank you, Poppy :)
very nice!... now haVE u thought of your next project?
Bearette said…
Keeping it simple...a hat :)
blackcrag said…
I like it! And I can't tell where you 'screwed up the sewing part.'
Bearette said…
I hid it. It got worse, actually; I might have to redo the sleeve. But it's still pretty.
Lisa said…

I'm terrible at the sewing part, too. If I ever try a sweater again, I think I'd either hire out the construction or get a private lesson.
This suzy said…
It's beautiful!
Bearette said…
Thanks guys! I accidentally steeked the sleeve though - I wanted to re-do the seam, and cut what I thought was the seam - oops. I guess I can do the sleeve over, but I'm going to chill out with a hat for now.
Anonymous said…
Still very pretty. I hope you'll show us one with you wearing it!
Bearette said…
I would have to fix the sleeve first :( Which I will. Someday...
M Hastings said…

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