So today I got the itch to knit. I haven't knit anything in a few months, I think. To be accurate, I had the itch a few days ago, but then discovered (after a long trek downtown) that my favorite yarn shop doesn't open till noon. So I went back today with the baby in tow. He was sleeping.

The beautiful colors of the yarn, and its nice soft texture (though some skeins are scratchy, I just don't buy those ones) make me happy. The whole place is like a knitter's fantasy. The skeins are all piled up high on the shelves and look good enough to eat.

I got a skein of this to make a hat with, and this to make cable mittens with. The hat is in progress.

Also, I read a kind of hipster blog (I say it affectionately) where she talks about Vampire Weekend. I checked them out on iTunes, and I like them. Does anyone else think they sound really similar to Paul Simon's Graceland? Dated reference, I know. Anyway, I now have a few Vampire Weekend tunes on my iPod, though if I were a *real* hipster, I'd have them on vinyl. (Disclaimer: one of my friends always buys vinyl, but he is virulently anti-hipster. I think he is just hearkening back to his youth.)


blackcrag said…
We all have our fixations--the thing we have to do. Even if we take a break from it for a while, we always come back to it. Yours is knitting, mine is cooking.
This suzy said…
Welcome back to knitting!! Two of the ladies at the yarn store I go to mentioned that there are times when their knitting goes "dormant."
Bearette said…
Yes, that's exactly what happened.

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