Portland, Maine

So I liked Maine a lot. Shockingly, it's only 4 degrees colder than here. My friend has an apartment in a Victorian house, and we were able to walk everywhere. The food in Portland is delicious. Apparently, the city has won all kinds of accolades - for livability, food, etc. We saw A Single Man with Colin Firth in it (one of my idols). I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but it was artsy and interesting. Lots of naked men floating underwater. A little random.

For breakfast on Sunday I had pancakes that tasted of cinnamon and their texture was a combination of muffin and doughnut. When I got them, I said, "These are beautiful!" The waitress smiled.

For dinner on Saturday I had a bit too much wine (a sweet Cabernet Sauvignon) and heavenly pizza - gorgonzola, squash and caramelized onions. All good ingredients, but somehow the whole was more than the sum of its parts. I would definitely like to go back. The only drawback is, they only have 2 weeks of summer - in July. On the upside, no need for air conditioning.


This suzy said…
Glad you had a good time! I'm surprised that they only have 2 weeks of summer, although I guess that might depend on the exact definition of "summer." I'd say up here we get around 2 months of summer, and within those 2 months we'll have maybe 14 days spread out over that where the temp gets above 90.
Jack said…
ive heard of this place. my friend used to live there... nice blog.
Perplexio said…
I've been to Maine but never Portland. I can believe the bit about only having 2 weeks of summer weather. When I grew up in Northern NY (just north of the Adirondack State Park) we'd usually only get about 6-8 weeks of summer weather-- some years it was less than that.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Jack.

Perplexio - yeah, i realized even here (NYC, further south) there are about 5 months of winter. snowing as i type.
Anonymous said…
Portland is paradise.
Dan in Portland said…
I exaggerated a bit about the 2 week summer. Why muck up a good story with facts?

A more realistic take is that there are only 2 weeks in summer that you would want to have an air conditioned apartment.

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