So I started reading Elizabeth Gilbert's new book, Committed. I was afraid it wouldn't live up to Eat, Pray, Love, which I did enjoy. Even though EPL was not her first book, it was her first "big" book, so I was afraid Committed would suffer from sophomore slump. Also, I didn't know if a book about marriage would have enough, um, dramatic tension. Have you noticed that most romantic comedies *end* with the wedding?

Anyway, I read the first few pages in the Borders cafe before purchasing, and she has definitely put her own unique stamp on the subject. She writes about her lover, Felipe (all nonfiction, remember), and how he moves from Bali to Philadelphia to be with her. She acknowledges that this is a baffling choice, and goes on to explain that he was sick of living in paradise. She writes:

I will never forget one of the last enchanting evenings that he and I spent together at his cottage there -- sitting outside, barefoot and dewy-skinned from the warm November air, drinking wine and watching a sea of constellations flicker above the rice fields. As the perfumed winds rustled the palm trees and as faint music from a distant temple ceremony floated on the breeze, Felipe looked at me, sighed, and said flatly, "I'm so sick of this s**t. I can't wait to go back to Philly."

That made me giggle.


judy in ky said…
As a person who misses Philly every day, I can fully understand! It's not exactly paradise, but it gets into your blood.
Bearette said…
:) I forgot your love for Philadelphia. Perhaps Felipe shares it...
This suzy said…
I'm so glad that you like it so far! I've been really looking forward to reading it.
Bearette said…
I recommend it. Ended up finishing it today. I learned a lot of interesting things from it.
Anonymous said…
Philly is a magical place I guess!

I remain envious of all your reading! I'm so lazy.
Bearette said…
i'm pretty lazy other than reading. it's my fun.

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