I took E to the pediatrician today to get his last and final swine flu shot (thank God). Now he is fully inoculated against anything that might strike. Except he has to get more vaccines in late January - the ones kids usually get at 18 months. He is now 19 months, but the holiday month (holimonth) was too packed to do anything about it.

Yesterday I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was one of those Netflix instant movies - you can watch it on your computer right away, and you don't have to send anything back. I thought it was quite entertaining. The preview had turned me off, making me think it would be a bunch of brand-name dropping ("You speak Prada?" says Becky to Luke), but it was a cute story, though fairly different from the book. If you like chick flicks, or pink, or Clueless, I would recommend it.

I did a tarot card reading today and was startled to get 2 cards that seem to be directly contradictory - the Star (considered the most optimistic of the cards) and the Ten of Swords (apparently the grimmest card in the deck, depicting some dude pinned to the ground with, you guessed it, ten swords). Of course, it's probably all a bunch of malarkey...but I have fun with it. And I really would like to know the future, though it's probably impossible.


Gingers Mom said…
I have been to dang lazy to get my kids to the doc for the flu shots. If only they delievered.

I saw Confessions too. Wanted to like...didn't hate it....but there wasn't much to it. I do like pink. :)
Bearette said…
It's good to like pink :) i agree, it wasn't really a substantial movie...but fun.
Anonymous said…
I bought a pack of tarot cards once, but I got the sense that Rich didn't like having them around. I only got them out once or twice, but they never revealed anything. I think they are interesting, though. I had no idea you were into them!
Bearette said…
It's just happened lately. I used to do a reading every few years; now, I've been consulting them quite a bit. I wonder why Rich was opposed.
blackcrag said…
I was similarly pleasantly surprised by the romantic comedy Definitely Maybe with Ryan Reynolds, Elisabeth Banks and Isla Fisher.

I have forgone flu shots and H1N1 (Or the Hienie) as we call the swine flu up here. I may have paid for that with a vicious 24 hour flu during my three month hiatus, but there you go. I now have homegrown antibodies instead. Pure laziness on my part not getting either shot though.
Bearette said…
I liked Definitely Maybe. Actually saw that one in the theater...
Anonymous said…
L got his h1n1 shots a couple of months ago... I went back and forth on it but finally decided to get them. So far he hasn't grown a third arm or anything, so that's good.

Why do you consult the cards more often lately? lots of unanswered questions looming? :)
Bearette said…
Yeah, my ped didn't have the H1N1 vaccine for a while...I actually got my shots before E got his. Yeah, some unanswered questions looming :)
Anonymous said…
me, too. Maybe I should get a reading. I've never done it before.
Bearette said…
Come to New York, I'll do one for you :)
Anonymous said…
does it work if you do it via Skype? :)
BabelBabe said…
question looming was, will there be a H1N1 vaccine available? and now you know : )

I've only had my cards read once, and it was startlingly useful and accurate.

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