So E is getting more into solids. Lately he has enjoyed avocado, bits of smoked tofu, Cheerios, steamed spinach, crumbled cornbread, bits of burger bun, vegan cupcake, bits of veggie burger, and soy ice cream. I was worried for a while because he didn't seem overly enamoured of the purees. So now I'm not using them and just giving him nibbles of table food. It seems to be working.

I read a book today where a woman had trouble weaning. When her baby turned a year old, she gave him cow's milk (as her pediatrician advised) and he said, "No. Bad." Then she tried soy milk, goat's milk and rice milk. Supposedly, rice milk is the most like breast milk. Who knew? He turned them all down. He finally accepted the cow's milk when he was two. Like E, he is not fond of bottles (I gave up on pumping bottles for babysitters because they all reported that he was just chewing on it rather than drinking from it).

So....not really looking forward to the weaning thing. I have a friend who was determined to wean her baby by her first birthday. I am not in this category. I think I will start making a half-assed attempt to wean him after his first birthday. Sometime. So you just start swapping cow's milk for feedings? And can you use a sippy cup?


BabelBabe said…
i just sort of had him feeding less and less altogether, but I was giving him a sippy of milk at all meals. I'm uesless, aren't I? :)
Poppy said…
My friend Jessica didn't wean either kid until they were 2.
judy in ky said…
I don't have any advice on weaning, but I enjoy seeing your little one growing up.
G said…
N was using the sippy cup starting around 9 months old...but she really didn't take to it wholeheartedly until about 11 months old. Now she only has 1 bottle before bed. But once the babe is 1 year old, they can have milk - cow or soy or whatever the doc says is ok. You can mix breast milk and regular milk as you're weaning (we did that with formula and milk to get her used to the different taste) and it worked pretty well. She now only drinks regular milk and loves it.

As for the sippy cups, you will probably have to buy a bunch of different ones and try them out to find a type he likes. I ended up buying 5-6 different types before we settled on a couple, but N likes the Playtex and the Born Free. But every kid is different!
Caro said…
Sippy cups should be fine. All my kids took to the sippy cup better than the bottle.

Weaning was a hard process for me. No matter how big they got, they always felt like my baby.

You are supposed to gradually cut out the amount of feedings until you are down to one, then none. My kids were having none of that but it was over in a week when we finally made the commitment to weaning.

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