Random update

Well, D is out taking E for a walk, and it feels like I have nothing to do (a strange feeling that moms almost never have). I've been cooking a bunch and we've been making progress with our apartment search. We live in a complex that has Byzantine rules in exchange for below-market rent. Anyway, we were offered 3 apartments, all of which were in effect smaller than ours (a smidgen bigger, but with an extra room, so that each room was actually smaller than its counterpart in our current apartment). Turns out we were offered apartments from only two "lines", which are essentially identical, known for being cramped but having large windows.

Entering into phase 2 - we sent in a certified letter explaining exactly what we wanted. We want two other lines that are big but have fewer windows. We decided space was more important than enormous windows. These lines feel quite spacious so we're pleased with our decision. The next thing that happens is, we'll be offered an apartment from our list and we will have to take it (or else go to the bottom of the waiting list). But we should be happy with what we're offered, because we did all this painstaking research and apartment visits to make sure we knew what we were committing to.

Happily, the swine flu seems to be blowing over. For a while, people in NY were panicking a bit (albeit in their worldly-wise, slightly jaded way). I overheard one man telling another that there's a difference between allergic sneezing and swine flu sneezing. "You can tell!" he said. "An allergic sneeze is like, CHOO, and a swine flu sneeze is like, a lot of nose blowing." Hmm.


Poppy said…
I did not notice anyone panicking about N1H1. The trains were just as full. The only thing I did differently was hand over my tissues to the man on the train who was sneezing so he wouldn't get jumped by an angry mob.
Bearette said…
That was nice of you :)

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