The search is over.

We got the apartment. It's big and beautiful and below market rent. We only had to wait ELEVEN MONTHS for it. Kvetching aside, I am grateful. Now we have to figure out what color to paint it...the co-op people will paint it for you, but you have to supply the paint. So I'm looking for good paint brands and color ideas. I think light green would be nice for the bebe's bedroom...

P.S. I got recommendations from a friend who knows a painter over on Facebook - Durations (first place) and Benjamin Moore (silver medal).


Lisa said…
Congrats on the new apartment!
Poppy said…
YAY! Now you can have MORE BABIES!
Anonymous said…
awesome! Hope you'll post pics. And you should do a post on Manhattan real estate... it's fascinating!

We used Benjamin Moore paint throughout our house, but mostly because there's a little BM shop close to our house and we like the lady who owns it. :)
Anonymous said…
at first I thought "first place" and "silver medal" were paint colors, but I'm guessing it's first choice and second choice...duh. (I was thinking, blue? and... gray?)
Bearette said…
I think I'm going to go with Benjamin Moore...I like their colors :) I picked out a few...
Hannah said…
That's so exciting! Hope to see pictures of this new place and your new wall colours.:)
judy in ky said…
Great news! More space, and a brand new start!
This suzy said…
Yea!! I can't wait to see what colours you choose. My friend Meat chose unique colours for her house, ones you wouldn't think would look good, but they were awesome and it was neat for the rooms to be different than all the typical colours. So have fun with it! :)

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