More snippets of conversation

I went to the hairdresser the other day to get my roots done. It really is a drag once you start getting your hair colored professionally, because you have to keep up with it. However, my hairdresser does a good job. She is a tiny woman, a self-confessed bottle blonde who treats hairdressing as artistry. I like how she gets really serious about my head.

We never had one of those confiding-in-each-other relationships, but somehow we did last time. She has one kid but would have had more if she didn't get divorced when her baby was 6 months old. "If I had a good husband," she said in her Armenian accent, "I would have 2 more."

"3? But that gets expensive," I said, thinking of Manhattan real estate.

"That's why I say, a good husband," she said, and winked.

I told her about my hesitation with the 2 kids thing. I told her about 2 kids I know, where the older kid beats up on the baby when the parents aren't looking.

"They want someone to fight with," she said.

I shared my fears about E feeling displaced, no longer being the sole focus of attention.

"Is not good for child to get all the attention," she shrugged. "My daughter is such a selfish girl."

Finally, I mentioned that I became enormous during pregnancy.

"Me too," she said, holding her hands out to indicate a beach ball instead of her concave belly.

"You?" I couldn't believe it. She disappears when she stands sideways!

"Oh yes," she nodded. "Is normal. And now you have a nice body, you are in good condition." I felt like a shiny car ;)


In the elevator today, two older guys were looking at E and one said to the other, "Whenever I see a baby, you know what I think?"


"When he grows up, I'll be dead."

"Well, there are all kinds of technologies now...helping people live longer."

"Then we'll have a world full of old people. We need more babies."


This suzy said…
With that older man's comment about every time he sees babies... I don't know if I think it's funny or if I think it's sad. Maybe a little of both.
Bearette said…
I know what you mean. He said it cheerfully, though. And he actually didn't look that old - though he said he thought he had only 20 years left.
BabelBabe said…
you know the dude who said "When the baby grows up, I'll be dead"? He's the man i should have married. We are 2 peas in a pod.
Anonymous said…
So, the hairdresser said she felt like a shiny car after she had the baby?

I hope I have a cheerful attitude about getting older someday. I don't have a cheerful attitude about it now, and I'm not even 30!
Bearette said…
Oh, after 30 it no longer matters. That's the hard one :)

I felt like a car after she said I was in good condition...
Bearette said…
C'mon, you should've caught that endquote :)
judy in ky said…
Wow! I little bit of philosophy in the elevator! That's what I love about living in a city.
Anonymous said…
So sorry! I was imagining her describing herself as a shiny car, and it was rather strange. I'm not accustomed to reading grammatically correct sentences with beginning and ending quotation marks that actually make sense! My students have me trained to ignore those things I guess.
Bearette said…
Kitkat - LOL. you are forgiven ;)

Judy - it's true; always something interesting being said. At first I thought the stimulation of the city would overwhelm E, but now he seems to like it.
Hannah said…
I disagree with your hairdresser about the single/multiple kid thing. I've met plenty of very selfish kids who came from huge families. Its all in how you raise them!:)
Caro said…
Bearette, the shiny car. Hee hee.

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