First swim class

I survived E's first swim class. The other moms were very nice. I saw the one I met last time, whose baby has a very serious expression. I also met a new one, from England. I explained how when we went to London, we stayed in Marble Arch and had fun saying that with a British accent. Hers was better, though. I also liked how she said "nappy" instead of diaper. After class, there was a surprise appearance by her nanny (a surprise for me). She said to the nanny, "If I change his nappy, can you get him dressed?" I thought, "That's a sweet deal." I would feel weird about having a nanny, though. I don't know why. Unless I had 6 kids or something. There are some people who should have nannies. The octo-mom is one.

Anyway, the only downside of the class was the swim diaper. It was not what it was cracked up to be. I was, shall we say, baptized before class. But I had a towel handy and no one was the wiser (except the British mom, whom I told; she said cheerfully, "At least it wasn't poo."). After class, I headed to Buy Buy Baby and got him two pairs of swim trunks with much sturdier built-in diapers.


Anonymous said…
My friend has a nanny, but only for a few days a week. Her husband is deployed and she desperately wanted to get back to having a life outside the home (read "go back to work"), so the nanny comes in a few days a week so she doesn't have to do the daycare thing. I think for her it makes sense. For too many, though, it's a product of laziness and having too much money.

Good luck with the new swim trunks!

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