Bits and pieces

So D and I are going to Disney World this year. We usually take a vacation in March and we usually go to Miami. I wasn't thrilled about Miami this year. It just doesn't seem kid-friendly. Since E is in a phase of screeching in restaurants (he actually says, "EEEEEE!"), D saw the light. E may be too young to fully enjoy Disney World, but it's definitely kid-friendly. And the hotel we plan to stay in has a pool. He can wear his little bathing trunks from Talbots.

In other news, my SIL had a celebrity spotting (and actual interaction)! Her e-mail is below (I took out some identifying details).

"I met Matt Damon today. I was in the elevator with my ____ today at ____ and the elevator stops and he and his wife Lucy, and their 2-year-old Isabella get on - they were touring the school. We teachers were introduced to him by a fellow teacher and we shook his hand. He was very friendly and totally hot. It was a good day."


BabelBabe said…
i think i've said this before, but your blog posts make me so happy - they're cozy. like you picked up the phone and said, "Hey! guess what we did today?"

it always makes my day to see a new post, especially when pictures of The Baby are included!
Bearette said…
:) I guess I should take more pics of E!
Anonymous said…
I like the "totally hot" part. I heart Matt.

If only you were going to Orlando in April! That's when we'll be there. You should go to Disney's Animal Kingdom. The last time we went to Orlando, we went there, but it was raining, so we left before seeing everything. E would probably like the animals.
judy in ky said…
We don't get many celebrity sightings here in rural Kentucky. But I did see George Clooney's mom and dad in the Cincinnati airport once. (They live near here.)
Bearette said…
Kitkat - I bet he would! Right now we're having trouble finding a hotel room :( But I'll keep the animals in mind.

Judy - that's cool :) We saw GC once in NYC...
Anonymous said…
L is in a screeching phase, too. He is fascinated by the power of his voice.

Maybe you guys can have a sitter while you're there, so you can go out by yourselves once or twice?
Roxanne said…
My husband would be so jealous. He's admitted to having a man crush on Matt Damon. Of course I can't let it go and tease him endlessly about it. ;)
Bearette said…
that's awesome - both the man crush and the teasing ;)

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