New hat

Here's the hat I just finished, using Babelbabe's yarn.


Beth said…
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Anonymous said…
Alex thinks it would look even more delicious if you added a pompom...

Anonymous said…
That yarn makes me think of rainbow sherbet!
judy in ky said…
Your knitting skills are impressive. I'm still stuck at the scarf stage.
Bearette said…
You might want to get "Knitting Pretty" - it has all these good & easy hat patterns - leaving pesky scarves behind :)
BabelBabe said…
or the knit book i got the poncho pattern from - its all knit stitch, all the time. i like the hat!

kitkat - the poncho i knit with that yarn, I labeled "Sherbet" and sent it off to ym niece. They thought I'd bought it because it came with a label pinned on!
Anonymous said…
I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that :)
Bearette said…
BB - what book is that? it sounds good.
Tracy said…
YAY!! Knitting!!
I'm working on a little stuffed mousie... : )
Love the hat!
Bearette said…
That sounds cute...
Anonymous said…
Aww, thats so cute! Good job!:)

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