Eyes open

Here are some pictures of the little man with his eyes open. He still has dark blue baby eyes.


This suzy said…
He looks like he's really thinking about something. Your little contemplative baby! :)
Anonymous said…
Suzy- I thought it was a suspicious look, like, "You're going to put this on your blog, aren't you?"

Bearette said…
Suzy - a friend did his astrological chart and said he is a very intellectual baby ;)

Liz - he does have a suspicious look, out of the corner of his eye :)
This suzy said…
So maybe he's contemplating something suspicious? lol
Silverstar said…
A late congratulations on your addition! I just got back from my honeymoon so I haven't be able to read your blog. But he is so cute! :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, Silverstar! Congrats on your wedding :)
Roxanne said…
I love those little toes. :)
Tracy said…
Isn't it funny how babies are born with blue eyes? When do they usually change to their forever color? Do you think they will stay blue?
Bearette said…
Roxanne - aren't they cute?

Tracy - I think they're supposed to turn color in 3 months. I think they'll probably turn brown since D's and mine are brown :)
Anonymous said…
Just popped in to see how you're doing and noticed you had your baby! He's beautiful! Congratulations!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Frema :)
BabelBabe said…
"What? These old feet? My mom grew 'em for me. What's it to ya?"
Caro said…
He's a Rockette, look at that kick.

We will never get tired of baby pictures. He's gorgeous.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Caro :)

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