5 cm

So I went to my own doctor today. My weight stayed the same (thank goodness), and I dilated another centimeter, bringing me to 5 cm and 90% effaced. The doctor said, "You have got to be kidding me. You're still pregnant?" when she saw me in her exam room. She said, "I know I've told you this before, but just to reinforce...when you start getting contractions, do not wait. Call us en route."

He weighs 8 1/2 lbs.

At the end of the visit, she said, "Go into labor this week!"

"I'll try," I told her.

Some snuggly ducks for you (it's a blanket my sister sent):


Anonymous said…
Wouldn't it rock if you dilated all the way to 10 by your next appointment without feeling a thing?

"Hey, Bearette! Great news- you're fully dilated! Want to go ahead push the baby out now?"

"Er, let me just call my husband first."

(I would try very hard not to hate you. :)
Bearette said…
Heh. I was wondering that myself. I assume by 6 cm I'll be able to feel something ;)
Anonymous said…
Doctor's orders? I hope you don't have performance anxiety with all these expectations.
Bearette said…
No, just suspense. I want things to get started :)
Poppy said…
BLEEP! You can do it! Go, Bearette, go!!! Yay!!!!
Roxanne said…
Hey, you're halfway there! Good going!

Those are some very cute duckies. :)
Tracy said…
Good grief! I thought for sure I was going to click on your blog today and find a baby photo... it feels like it has been ages since I last made my way over here. Wedding junk kept me busy the last bit.
When is lil E going to grace us with his presence?????
Bearette said…
I keep wondering the same thing ;)
This suzy said…
Wow! Well, I guess you can just be glad that it'll probably be quick. How exciting!
Caro said…
Hurry up E! We're hovering.

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