Travel bug

I have a bit of a travel bug. Usually I want to stay firmly rooted in New York, but a few places are beckoning me right now...

London. Our friend P is there, I like it, but I have been there before so it won't have the novelty thing going on. However, they have many books by British authors before the US gets them...always a perk. I don't know what the weather is like there right now. Oh, I think it's snowing (based on British blogs I read).

Tokyo. Maybe by way of San Fran or L.A.

Thailand. If we went there, we would go after D's friend moves there.

Or maybe just San Fran by itself.

Last night we went to a resto with DG. I used to love the place to the utmost, but they've brightened the lights, killing the atmosphere, and it's obscenely crowded. As usual we were relegated to a couch under the stairs. And the waitress seemed to be on crack (until DG asked her if she was an actress, due to her dramatic energy. This seemed to anger her and she faded away.) So, I don't mind if I pass on that place for a while.


Waspgoddess said…
It's not snowing anymore, it was, we got about three inches and the whole country came to a stand-still. Don't come to London until late spring, it's useless now, it's just gloomy and rainy. But there is a fun interactive exhibition by Karsten Holler on at Tate Modern at the moment (until April 15), which really brings out the inner child and so may make up for the rain.
Bearette said…
Thanks, I will have to check that out! i'm nervous about traveling now anyway because my husband has developed a snoring habit. at home, it's ok...i can go in the living room, where we have an air mattress...but in a hotel?
badgerdaddy said…
But London's dirty and it smells! Once you get outside London - and either west of Swindon or north of Watford - you see and experience the real England, and it's lovely.

Anyway... If you want me to look out for any books, I'll happily post them over to you. I can always keep my eyes peeled in chazza shops or for special offers (3 for 2 in waterstones, for example), if you supply a wishlist?

Just a thought. I know it's not an easily manageable one though!
Bearette said…
Thanks, BD! That is very thoughtful of you :)

A couple of interesting ones are Young Wives' Tales by Adele Parks and 31 Dream Street by Lisa Jewell...I think they'll both be out by April.

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