
So I might take up knitting. I like the scarf that DG's ex-girlfriend made for him, and wouldn't mind having one of my own. Then I started reading The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs, and noticed knitting directions in the back. So you can make a scarf. It must be fate. (There was also a muffin recipe).

It seems like a good book, and Julia Roberts is going to star in the movie version.

I'm not sure whether I'll really get into knitting or not, but I like the idea. D pointed out that all my hobbies involve media (books, movies, CDs) or exercise (yoga and Pilates). Knitting strikes me as similar to playing the guitar in terms of manual dexterity, and I gave up guitar after a brief attempt many years ago. But we'll see. I'd like to knit a rosy sweater and scarf.


jules said…
Hey there! I have a friend at work who has really gotten into knitting over the past 2 yrs or so - she loves it!
This suzy said…
I"ve thought about taking up knitting as something to do while I'm watching TV or doing other stuff like that, if for no other reason than to try to get rid of bad habits like biting my nails or snacking when I'm not hungry. I just have to keep my hands occupied! lol
Bearette said…
Yes, D pointed out that i could knit while watching movies! I've even seen people knitting on the subway. If I do it, I'll put up pictures of the scarf :)
Roxanne said…
My mom taught me to crochet when I was probably around 8 years old. I love bouncing back and forth between my crocheting and quilting and have recently bought some knitting books. I keep trying to talk myself into attempting the knitting, but I just haven't managed to get past the first step.
Anonymous said…
Well, good luck if you decide to try it. Knitting seems to be quite popular these days. I'm with you on the whole guitar-dexterity thing. I don't know if I'd be coordinated enough to do it well.
Bearette said…
Thanks! Another thing that appeals to me is, I could make Christmas gifts. I've never liked shopping at that time (so crowded and crazy). And a homemade gift always seems more meaningful.
Caro said…
I can picture you making little doggy sweaters and handing them out to the street doggies!
Kristen said…
I just started The Friday Night Knitting Club! I really like it so far. It makes me want to knit too, but I've already tried several times and have no knack for it. I'm sure you'll fare better!!
Bearette said…
C - hee! I just started knitting my first scarf. Hopefully I'll be on the sweater level someday ;)

K - thanks! So far I have just been "casting on", now I need to learn the actual knitting! I like the book too.
blackcrag said…
My mother has knitted for years, spending most evening in front of the TV, watching TV and knitting.

She knitted my favourite cardigan, the latest of several clothes she has made me over the years.

If you are thinking of knitting Christmas presents you will need to start knitting around Easter.
Bearette said…
BC - i'm starting now! if i can make this scarf, that is.
Amy said…
My cousin is big into knitting, but I just can't focus enough on it. I love to cross stitch though, I find it very therapeutic.

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