A tale of two scarves

So I did a little more work on the scarf I started yesterday, and began a new one. Some of you may recognize the darker pink yarn I took a picture of before. It's harder to work with than the light pink yarn, but I'm getting used to it. The light pink yarn is like an obedient little child, while the darker pink yarn likes to run around and rip up the playground. I can't wait to learn about sweaters and hats!


Caro said…
I love it!

You already look like an expert to me.
Bearette said…
Thanks, C. That's sweet of you.
Katie said…
Fun! Love the color too. I like knitting as a stress reliever at night after getting home from class/work. Talk to ya soon!

Elsa said…
It's looking good. I actually like both of those colors in one piece - they seem to complement each other very well.
Elsa said…
You're making me want to knit.

BTW, the author of the Friday Night Knitting Club is coming to Southern NH in a couple of weeks to promote the book - not to run for president ;) Did you like the book?
Lisa said…
Look at you---two works in progress on needles already! You are a knitting fiend!
Bearette said…
elsa - i liked it a lot. are you going to meet the author?

lisa - i know, it's kind of scary. i've done a lot more knitting since the picture. good tip re the bamboo needles, by the way...much easier.
Elsa said…
I was thinking of going to one of Kate Jacobs' talks, meeting her and picking up a signed book, too. I was debating whether of not to read the book first and see her or just wait to see her and then read the book.
Bearette said…
I bet she's interesting to see. Maybe you could see her before you read it? They tend to read a bit of the book, which could be boring if you read it already.
Amy said…
I do like the dark better, but they are both great!
Elsa said…
I agree. I'll see you next weekend, buy the book then and have her sign it.

I'm looking forward to reading it.
Bearette said…
cool! i hope you blog about it.
Elsa said…
I will definitely blog about it. Maybe I'll even take my camera with me.

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