So I saw "Because I Said So" with K today. She said, "That mother was awful!" but I like Diane Keaton so much that I had trouble separating the two.

We decided that chick flicks get bad reviews because they're being judged by the wrong people. We both enjoyed it (though the graphic mother/daughter sex talk was a bit much).

Also, we discovered on the escalator that neither of us knows where the Colts are from. The Bears were easy, but the Colts? Who knows. As you can see, I'm not a huge Superbowl fan ;)


Lisa said…
That's okay because the Colts are weasley traitors and we should all pretend that they don't exist.
Bearette said…
Poppy said…
I love Diane Keaton, she can do no wrong. My favoritest of her movies is Baby Boom.
Bearette said…
That was a cute one :) And Sam Shepard's not so bad, either...
Amy said…
I am rooting for the Indianapolis Colts today!!
Roxanne said…
I sat through the superbowl, looking up for the commercials (the Snickers one was my fave) and quilting through the actual game.

Thanks for the review. :)
Bearette said…
Amy - so you must be glad they won!

Roxanne - i love the girliness of quilting through the superbowl ;)
This suzy said…
Diane Keaton kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes, but I still can't quite figure out why. So I may or may not see this movie.

And I'm wondering if lisa lives somewhere around Baltimore...?
Lisa said…

I grew up about 45 minutes from Baltimore and was raised with a healthy hatred of the Colts and the Yankees.
This suzy said…
Was that hatred because they left Baltimore or did that happen before the move? (Pardon my curiosity.)
Lisa said…

The Colts didn't leave so much as abscond. Or, even more accurately, slunk out of town in the middle of the night like the spineless mercenaries they are. But, yeah, that's the source of the hate.

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