Well, I had a fun if long day. I taught 2 classes. Then I got stuck on the subway and witnessed an almost-fight between a woman and a guy who was playing a boombox. "Shut off that $#&*^ music!" she yelled. "You come over here and turn it off," he said menacingly. I actually liked the music but did not want to get involved. He was playing "Funky Town", "I Feel For You" (Chaka Khan), etc.

So after we got moving again, the subway stopped again, only this time the doors were open. Realizing I was already late to meet our friends for dinner, I popped out and walked home, only to get rained on. Ugh. Fortunately, AT was running late too - his college roommate G, who was visiting, also got stuck on the subway - so it all worked out and no one was waiting.

We ate at Zen Palate where I engaged in random entree selection, just picking "Red Mist" in part because G and I couldn't visualize it and we were curious. Well, it was a bad choice. It looked like a fish. I made it swim across my plate. Then people made jokes about how it was swimming in my tummy.

Then we went to Hotel QT to celebrate DG's birthday. It was a fabulous place with a pool and a bar. I had a vodka cranberry and wine and was just a wee bit drunky. I walked into the glass door of the sauna and banged my head. It hurt. Otherwise, it was a lot of fun. Oh, and some freak kissed me on the ear.

Then I got home and found my new mat had arrived! It's super fluffy, rose-colored with white flowers. I got it from Wai Lana. I love it already. It's 1/4-inch thick instead of the standard 1/8-inch. Actually, my old mat is probably 1/16-inch now.


Elsa said…
What a great location for Hotel QT. Sounds like fun. Cholocolate martinis sound like they would be delicious - I never had one. I've only had one martini in my life and that was a honeydew martini at the Russian Tea Room back in 2001 - before the RTR closed. That was sweet and yummy.

I hope your head is alright. And your new mat sounds super cute.
Bearette said…
Thanks! It's a little sore, but not bruised. D was really digging his chocolate martini last night.
Elsa said…
Sounds like it! ;)
Caro said…
Drunk head banging, LOL.

I have funkytown on my MP3 player. My son LOVES to listen to it over and over again.

It's hard to get it back from him.
Bearette said…
Hee...that's so cute. I can just see SJ shaking his moneymaker ;)

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