Picture post

Tonight my mom sent me some granola in the mail, plus some presents from China. Since the camera was already out, I decided to bust out some yoga moves for y'all. Leah had asked to see a headstand a while back so I decided to oblige.

Here's the fun, wild Chinese T-shirt my mom sent:

The small golden pig and pineapple had chocolates inside them. D ate his already. The keychain is from Tsinghua University, which my sister is somehow affilated with.

Here's astavakrasana:

And headstand.


Elsa said…
Wow - that's a great handstand and whatever you call that other pose! Very impressive.

And that shirt - what can I say - it's wild! It's so colorful. You definitely will stand out - even in NYC :-) Very cool :-)
Lisa said…
Wow! I'm so impressed with anyone who can do hand balances. And head stands!
bdogg_mcgee said…
That's amazing!! You're inspiring me to get back into yoga. I felt so much better when I was doing it regularly...

Love the new mat! :)
Bearette said…
Elsa - Thanks! Actually it was headstand; handstand is a little harder to get into. I'm looking forward to wearing the shirt ;)

Lisa - Thanks :)

Bdogg - Cool! I'm glad you are getting back into yoga. I love the mat, too. It's like doing yoga on a cushion...
Caro said…
I love that shirt.

You have great abs.
Bearette said…
C - Thanks! That's really nice of you.
This suzy said…
I'm so impressed! And kinda jealous too. lol
verniciousknids said…
I hope you are gonna put these pics on your yoga site...cos you would totally bring in the customers with these :D
Anonymous said…
Vk-- she really should!

Did D take the pictures for you, or did you push the timer button, race to the wall, and flip your body upside down? ;)
Dan said…
It's no coincidence that "astavakrasana" sounds so similar to "extravaganza." It's also no coincidence that sometimes people think I am gay.
Bearette said…
VK - maybe I should, I should probably tuck my shirt in or something though. I don't know why, i'm shy about putting pics on the yoga site, but not my blog.

Liz - hee ;) He actually took them himself. He sat right behind me for the headstand one, then I explained I wouldn't have room to kick my legs up ;)
verniciousknids said…
B, you need to post some "action shots" on your yoga site...what do you wear when you teach? And can you post the link to that site again, cos I've lost it in my millions of bookmarked fave sites!
SK said…
I don't think I'll be doing either of those anytime soon but she did try to get us to lift ourselves up by our hands when sitting indian style (I forget all the sanskrit names, sorry... )
Bearette said…
VK - I'll think about it ;) I usually wear a tank top and yoga pants, like in the picture. It's katieyoga.com.

Lost - I think that's lolasana :)
Perplexio said…
OUCH, that hurts just looking at it.

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