Well, I went to the chiropractor today. He told me I was easy to adjust and gave me 2 gold stars. (Not literally.) Then he told me about his next patient. "He's a skydiver. He's broken every bone in his body," he said in awe. He's terrified to adjust him for fear of breaking something else. I got to meet the skydiver, btw...he was waiting out front when I left. He looks a bit like Billy Crudup, with a slightly crazed look in his eye. Janeane Garofalo lives in the building where my chiro has his office, though I have yet to see her. My chiro has seen her and says her dogs "are like ponies. They're bigger than she is!"

Speaking of animals, I'm into cats now. I still wouldn't want to be around them for long periods of time - I'm sure I'd get very allergic - but I saw Pars again today. His stomping grounds are on 26th Street. He had a pretty gray friend with him today and they both glided over to me and purred. When I tried to leave, Pars put his paw on my jean jacket! It was a cute gesture even though one of the threads came loose ;)

I also met a pack of pugs. I've seen them before. The owner explained that one was the ambassador, one was the "daddy" and one was the "shy one". The shy one was actually very friendly.

I'm seeing Madonna on July 3rd. I can't wait...la la la.


Caro said…
Too bad you are allergic to cats.

You would make a good pet mommy.
Bearette said…
Thank you, Carolyn :) I met many doggies tonight...including one named Laszlo.
Anonymous said…

No allergies, right?
Roxanne said…
I love cats just for the simple fact that they will only accept you on THEIR terms. I think some people's personalities fit better with cats than with dogs and vice versa.

That would be hilarious to see Janeane being pulled along by her monster dogs. My hubby has always had a thing for her so he may be wanting to switch over to your chiro. :)

I hope Madonna is awesome and you get to hear everything you want.
Bearette said…
A - but hairless animals are so...you know. Plus I think it's the dander that gets people.

R - thanks! I'm dying to hear "Burning Up" from her first album but I don't think she's going to go back that far :( But I can always hope. That's funny about Janeane...I will let you know if I see her ;)
Elsa said…
I can't even imagine skydiving and even less after reading your post.

Congrats on the 2 gold stars! :-)

I'm also more of a dog person and have owned dogs before. I like cats, but can't imagine ever getting one. I really like dogs' dispositions - they always want to be by your side, etc.
Bearette said…
Hehe...thanks ;) I've always preferred dogs too, but cats are starting to grow on me.
badgerdaddy said…
Perhaps I could give you my number to pass on to Janeane? I'm sure she'd be up for a slice of badger pie, she just hasn't met me yet...
Bearette said…
hee. i will try to figure out how she feels about badger pie ;)

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