Click...and waterbugs

Well, we saw the new Adam Sandler movie. I kind of have mixed feelings about it, which I guess is appropriate because it was kind of a genre bender...comedy for the first half, tragedy for the second. (I'm serious.) Then a cheap plot twist made it all ok...but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It was unexpectedly similar to "The Monkey's Paw." I guess there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Also, the waterbugs are out. I had the good fortune to never see one when I was living in Massachusetts or Rhode Island...but I see them all the time in New York, and they're not pretty. They're large, flat bugs with reddish shiny wings. They can be as large as your hand (almost). The worst thing about them is, they scurry toward you instead of away. Some missed connection in the brain, I'm sure. Once I saw one in the lobby of our building, lying on its back. I was worried someone was going to step on it but no way was I going to touch it to flip it right side up. I have my limits.

I also got a little worried because I met a dog in the park on the way back. It seemed a little afraid. Its owner seemed like a druggie. D assured me that the owner doesn't beat the dog. But I kind of wanted to take the dog with me.


Bearette said…
ok, so maybe i was exaggerating a little. but some of them are huge.
Elsa said…
I'm glad CU chimed in about the size. I was picturing these unbelievably gigantic bugs. crawling all around NYC. I was thinking it sounded like a horror movie ;)

But regardless, a silver dollar-sized water bug is still way too big. I've never heard of them or have seen them, but I just googled it and saw a picture - GROSS!!!!! I'm with you Bearette - I wouldn't touch one either.
verniciousknids said…
Elsa, that's funny that you googled...cos I'm about to as well - never heard of these critters!

You should see the size of some of the cockroaches we get in Queensland, Australia...some of them are close to the size of your hand...and they fly...towards you!
Bearette said… welcoming of them. do you get big spiders as well? i don't know why, but i seem to remember reading about huge funky spiders in the outback or something.
Caro said…
Some dogs just act perpetually terrified.

I have one of them.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of movies, I rented The Family Stone and some Jennifer Aniston movie... the one that talks about The Graduate?

I guess the fact that I can't remember the name of it says something... never mind the fact that I didn't finish watching it. I thought The Family Stone was good, though.

Which reminds me-- I've been meaning to ask you if you've seen Little New York (or is it Little Manahattan? Two kids who fall in love in the city and look at real estate together?)? It's adorable!
Bearette said…
I think it's called Rumor Has It...I guess it wasn't very good! I considered seeing it but the critics bashed it thoroughly. Sometimes I ignore them though.

I didn't see that one, but I know what you're talking about! Maybe I should rent it...little something...I think it's Manhattan.
jules said…
Waterbugs ARE roaches! (I just googled this to be sure before posting such a bold statement.) And if there was ever 1 the size of MY hand (which is small) I'd be outta here/there!
Anonymous said…
I've had the waterbugs = roaches conversation with so many people. I was always taught from my family that they were different, but many people feel they're the same thing.

I have ultimately decided to remain neutral.
Bearette said…
for some reason, i thought roaches were small and black...

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