So, this is really horrible. I'm without a book! At least a good one. I tried The Postmistress and Mennonite in a Little Black Dress. No go. They weren't terrible books, they just weren't for me. So I took a bath (the shower is going to get fixed tomorrow, as long as maintenance can figure out what's wrong with it) and E had great fun plunging empty baby bottles into the bath, filling them and pouring them onto the floor. The place was a little, um, soaked when he was done.

There are many things I can do instead of read, including:
  • go to Macy's to buy new underwear (the elastic is shot)
  • buy groceries
  • buy vitamins
  • faff around on Facebook, which I've already done.


judy in ky said…
Have you read "A Reliable Wife"? It's pretty depressing, but I found it hard to put down.
Bearette said…
I tried that one. I got about 50 pages in and had to stop. It just seemed like the characters were flat or something. What happened in the end??
judy in ky said…
I know what you mean. The characters were a bit difficult to get to know. But it did have a happy ending. They both had a secret agenda, but they ended up caring for each other.
Lisa said…
"Juliet, Naked"? I'm reading "A Changed Man" right now and enjoying it, although I have no idea where it is going.
Bearette said…
I read was good. I ended up reading a mystery yesterday and will probably read another one next. They're a good fallback when there are no novels around.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of faffing around, are you still knitting? Also, are you on Ravelry by any chance? My friend Tracy kept wanting me to join, and I have, but now I don't really get what I'm supposed to do while I'm there other than upload photos of my projects :/
Bearette said…
Kate - I haven't knitted in ages. I would like to knit something soon, though. I saw a shrug on the Malabrigo Yarn fan page at FB that I like. I'm not on Ravelry.
Lux Mackenzie said…
How do you get so many people to read and comment on your blog????

Or are they all your friends and family??
Lux Mackenzie said…
You could always read "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" I read it, its crazy good
BabelBabe said…
The Swan Thieves - Elizabeth Kostova's new one. Awesome.
I really liked the Jane Porter too.
have you read American Wife?
Bearette said…
BB - I did. I liked it a lot.

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