Hi Blogger, it's been a while...

As you know, I've gotten sucked into Facebook. It's fascinating to see what's happened to my high school classmates, many of whom remained in Massachusetts (but a lot of them jetted off to California). For the most part, their fates have *not* been predictable. I like that.

Just finished reading Schooled by Anisha Lakhani, about the corruption of New York City private schools. Basically many of these teachers are highly-paid "tutors" who write students' papers for them. What's worse, it didn't have the standard "this is fiction" note at the beginning. Instead, it said, "Please note that this book is based on not only my experiences, but those of my colleagues." Lovely.

Still going back and forth on the second-baby question. I think we all know where I'll end up, but my mind does a little see-sawing. I saw a woman on the subway with her second child. She said it was harder to go from zero to one than one to two. I wonder if this is true for everyone.


judy in ky said…
I figured you were probably hanging out at Facebook. But you also were visiting me at my blog, and I'm always happy to see you there.
It's nice to think about E having a little brother or sister.
BabelBabe said…
actually, for me, it was harder to go from one to two than any other of the transitions. when you only have 1, he's your focus. When you have three or four, you're used to juggling. but the one to two transition - I was wracked with guilt and completely discombobulated...
BabelBabe said…
aren't i helpful? : ) sorry.
Anonymous said…
I'd love to have another. we'll see what happens. but i was telling mike- on one hand it's better to know what's coming, but on the other hand, it's scarier.

Anonymous said…
also, i've found that very little is true for everyone.
Bearette said…
That's probably true - generalizations are generally inaccurate ;)
Anonymous said…
My former boss, a mother of just one child, said she thought it was easier raising more than one because the children start learning from each other. For example, it's more difficult to explain the concept of sharing to a 5-year-old who has never had to share anything in his life! Multiple kids play together and keep each other entertained. That was her reasoning anyway.
This suzy said…
Here's the very little bit that I've learned: with my step-kids, any of them by themselves are usually pretty good. Put them together and it's fighting or picking on each other or, even if they're having fun, it's a lot of NOISE. I would say that's my two cents, but it's probably only worth about half of a cent. lol
G said…
That's interesting...I guess I will find out how the transition from 1 to 2 is in July...ha ha :)
Bearette said…
are you serious?!? i am going to email you.
Bearette said…
your baby will have the same birth month as you and me...

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