I am so relieved right now. I changed pediatricians, and it's like the difference between heaven and hell. This guy is NICE, has a good manner with E (let him play with his light), and gave me valuable advice (the phone number for poison control, childproofing basics, the idea of giving E juice half-watered down, etc.) Most wonderful of all, it doesn't bother him that E doesn't consistently sleep through the night. He explained that formula is harder to digest, so formula-fed babies last longer; breast milk is easy to digest, so the babies don't last as long and tend to wake up for a feeding. I said that E went for 5 hours last night, then fed, and slept for 4 hours more. He said that was fine.


BabelBabe said…
i guess i wasn't paying attention; i could have clued you in sooner if you were worried about the breastmilk/sleeping thing. I am sorry! I am glad he helped out. My guy JUST started sleeping thru the night, and he's on real milk now, which is why, I am convinced. and he'll be a year next week!
BabelBabe said…
also, i havent mailed your yarn because i overzealously recycled all the small cardboard boxes : ) soon, i swear!
Bearette said…
now i've decided to stop bfeeding at 1 yr :) i was toying w/ a year and a half before.

no worries re the yarn...
This suzy said…
That's great that the new doc was so wonderful! I had a doctor in college that made me cry once because he was so condescending. I still hate him. lol
Bearette said…
some drs have no bedside manner...
blackcrag said…
I'm glad you found a pediatrician you like and feel comfrtable with. It mkes a difference since the things you discuss with doctors are alays so personal.
Anonymous said…
HisSuzy just reminded me of bad doctor experience in college too! She made me feel a little guilty about the number of sexual partners I had (a whopping 2).

Anyway, I'm really glad you found someone who works for you. I think the best doctors are the ones who confirm what you already feel is right or who give you the information and let you decide for yourself what's right.
Bearette said…
Wow - it sounds like that doc had some issues.
Anonymous said…
L used to sleep through the night, but around 4 months he started waking up for a night feeding, usually around 3 or 4 a.m. At least I have fond memories... and at least he's a quick, efficient eater now.

Bearette said…
Same deal here...I remember he was sleeping through the night in late September and October, than in November he started waking up to eat. Oh well...
Anonymous said…
I was hoping that adding solids would make that stretch of sleep a bit longer, but I guess not... oh well.
Bearette said…
yeah...same here. i guess when they're weaned, that cow's milk will do magic...

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