E would like to wish you a happy New Year.


Poppy said…

Happy New Year to you, E, and D!
Bearette said…
thanks! have fun with your blondies and mac and cheese :)
BabelBabe said…
happy new year to you, little one! may it be happy and healthy, and may you grow a little every day : )

give your mama a hug for me!
Caro said…
Happy New Year E! You are so cute.

Bearette - OT, Go to Amazon and check out "The No-Cry Sleep Solution".

My kids all slept with me but this book is highly recommended for those who want to maintain their parental bed AND their sanity. :-)
Anonymous said…
looks like he got his hair! :)
Bearette said…
BB - thanks! :)

Caro - he actually slept ok with me last night, only waking up once. But I will definitely check out that book. It's my fault, I'm afraid - I took him out of the crib and brought him back to bed when he was sick, so he would sleep better.

Liz - yes, he seems to be getting more all the time :)
This suzy said…
I noticed the hair too! It makes him look older. And I love the sweet expression on his face. :)
Anonymous said…
must be the avocado!
Caro said…
Bearette - Mine still rarely sleep alone when they're sick. :-) We usually go out on the couch together, especially if vomiting is involved.
David Edward said…
what beautiful eyes!

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