Then and now

A friend of ours (she actually introduced me to yoga!) is reuniting with a long-lost boyfriend. He's a photographer in Scotland, and she'll be living there for the next six months. Pictures from 1977 and 2006:

I like the idea of them reconnecting with the past, and each other.


Anonymous said…
yes...but we need more details on this. How did they become parted? How did they reconnect? It could become a 3 part mini-series (or at least a guest-blogger post).
Bearette said…
Hee...i don't really know all that yet. i'll have to find out :)
Roxanne said…
I was wondering that, too. Sounds like an interesting couple. I love photo booth pics. They are always so much fun and so memorable.
B said…
how awesome is that?!?!?!
Bearette said…
i know, it's very cool! and romantic :)
Waspgoddess said…
I agree with Leah, lets have a mini-series on this one. They look so sweet (he looks VERY Scottish - is he?)
Bearette said…
WG - i think he is. i will keep you all updated as i find out more :)
This suzy said…
That's so cool! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
Anonymous said…
Bearette said…
It looks like we may get a guest-written blog entry on this one...stay tuned :)
Elsa said…
VERY, VERY sweet! :)

That makes my heart happy.
kj said…
ooooh, you gotta just love this!!!!
Bearette said…
i'm posting the next installment soon :)
Caro said…
She has a lovely smile!

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