
This morning, I woke up and went to the living room to do yoga in my pajamas when I saw that I was not alone. There was a little squirrel with black beady eyes and a fluffy tail crouched on the terrace. He cocked his head and stared at me for so long that I felt like I was the intruder. Then I started doing my yoga warmups, but by then he had lost interest and was staring right ahead.

It was here I had some internal dialogue:
You should get the camera.
You shouldn't get the camera, it will scare him.

He looked so cute that the desire for the camera won out...but when I returned with the camera, he had gone.

I wonder if he knows yoga now.


This suzy said…
So I'm not the only one with a squirrel! :)
verniciousknids said…
He's off doing his asanas in the trees of New York :D

If he comes back and does a headstand - we need photographic evidence...pronto!
Anonymous said…
I saw a little turtle trying to cross the road this morning. I wanted to stop and help him out, but it was just beyond a bend in the road and I was afraid someone would hit my car.

Hopefully he made it. :)
Bearette said…
Suzy - it's true! :)

VK - I'll have my camera at the ready ;)

Liz - that's really cute. i hope he was ok. coincidentally, i did tortoise pose this morning ;)
jules said…
For a sec I thought you were going to say he was in the apt!
SK said…
I thought the same as Jules. I was thinking a mouse and a squirrel!! Oh no.

I did my first shoulder stand today. It looked a lot harder than it really was and I was so happy that my feet could touch the floor behind my head. Mike is also happy about that.. hee hee. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Bearette said…
hehe...nope, the critter was outside.

Shoulderstand is actually my favorite inversion :)
Caro said…
We have squirrels. They're fun to watch.

One time I hung a pinecone covered in peanut butter and birdseeds for the birds.

The birds never got a chance.
Elsa said…
I was just about to say the same thing that VK said about the headstand! :-)

Maybe he picked up a few yoga warm ups!
verniciousknids said…
Elsa - great minds ;)

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