Elephants and other thoughts

I like elephants. I'm going to put up a picture of a baby elephant over at my sister blog, Capybaras United. In the meantime, here are some fun elephant facts from elephant.elehost.com:
  • Elephant trunks can get very heavy. It is not uncommon to see elephants resting them over a tusk!
  • Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh!
  • Elephants are sensitive fellow animals where if a baby complains, the entire family will rumble and go over to touch and caress it.
  • Elephants have greeting ceremonies when a friend that has been away for some time returns to the group.
  • Elephants grieve at a loss of a stillborn baby, a family member, and in many cases other elephants.
  • Elephants don't drink with their trunks, but use them as "tools" to drink with. This is accomplished by filling the trunk with water and then using it as a hose to pour it into the elephant's mouth.
  • Interestingly, the Asian elephant is more closely related to the extinct mammoth than to the African elephant (see evolution).
D has a blind friend who is in the civil service; he visited recently with his wife. They're going to be in Thailand for two years, and his wife told me about how you can ride on the back of elephants there, but apparently the trainers are mean to them, so I wouldn't support the riding industry. They do have an elephant sanctuary called Elephant Paradise, which I'd like to visit. It's run by a woman who rescues elephants and then she pampers them :)

I'm waiting for D to get home from Long Beach. He likes to bike out there. It's a fun beach. I taught two classes today and picked up a banana nut soy bundt afterward. They're quite yummy. Tuesday through Friday afternoon, D will be in Chicago. He invited me along but explained he'd be in business meetings most of the time, so I declined. The guy in charge booked one suite for three guys, including D. D is hoping he'll get his own room.

This reminded me of when my high school band went to Disney World and the conductor economized, putting four people of the same sex in a room with two beds. The girls complied, sleeping two in a bed without complaint (though my best friend at the time kicked in her sleep and I got bruises on my legs :( The men, conversely, refused to sleep together...I remember being in one of their rooms. Two boys took two beds, another slept in the bathtub, and another put a pillow and some blankets on the floor. Sheesh.


Roxanne said…
I saw a PBS special about elephants. It was wonderfully done and had a bit about an elephant sanctuary. I don't know if it was the same one. They had one story about two elephants that knew each other as younguns when they were both in a circus :( . They were reunited after 40 years at the sanctuary. It was very heartwarming and tearjerking. I'll tell you what it was called if I can track it down. We have quite a few PBS nature shows that we copied onto dvd for our kids.

Guys are so funny about the whole sleeping and touching thing. My hubby does not like to even share a room (each having his own bed) with another guy. I don't get it. He said the last time he was at the chiropractor (mine too: Dr. McDreamy) he thinks he tapped him on the behind when he told him to turn to the other side. I didn't tell hubby that I wish Dr. Dreamy would do that to me! :)
Bearette said…
Hehe...maybe he will do that someday ;) The PBS special sounds awesome. I love elephants.
Caro said…
That story about the mama with the stillborn baby was sad.

I think I would pass on a greeting ceremony where my family urinated and defecated. :D
Caro said…
OT, remember when I used the word "fu@@wittery" and attributed it to Badger Daddy.

He came back and read your comment that "fu@@wit" was from Bridget Jones and got indignant. (in a funny way)
verniciousknids said…
I posted about elephant riding in Thailand a while back...the elephants we rode were well looked after...there are a stack of sanctuaries popping up all over Thailand nowadays!

And Badger Daddy most definitely did not coin that word...I've been using it for years - it's very common in England and her ex-colonies (i.e. Australia!). BTW I am NOT claiming ownership of it ;)
Bearette said…
C - Oh, I didn't read the fine print! That sounds a little yucky. I will have to check out Badger's rage as well ;)

VK - Oh, that's good. I can't stand it when i hear of animals being mistreated. i stand corrected re bridget jones ;) i used to think it was bridget's witty invention...
Lisa said…
Here's a fun elephant fact: If they charge at you with their ears extended and their tails up, they are only "play" charging---that is, giving you a little nudge to keep out of the way. If they have their ears back and their tails down, you are in BIG trouble.
Bearette said…
Hee...it sounds like you've met one. Maybe in Malawi.
Elsa said…
Very informative post. Fascinating information about elephants. BTW, I love the baby elephant pic on your sister blog - very cute.

That is funny about how guys are about sleeping in the same bed!
Elsa said…
BTW, what do you think of Which Brings Me to You? I saw that you are reading it and was wondering what you thought. I was thinking of picking it up to read since it sounded like an interesting concept.
Bearette said…
It's pretty good so far. It is an interesting concept. One thing I've noticed...I've read Julianna Baggott's books before, and I've never read anything by Steve Almond. But I think his writing is really good here, and hers is not quite as good.

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