Standing up to bullies

So there is a miserable woman who lives in our building. She routinely tortures everyone, to the point that I won't get into the elevator with her. (Nor is she mentally ill, just mean.) Anyway, another woman from the neighborhood was in our lobby with her harmless Welsh corgi.

Miserable Woman: Get out of the lobby! Dogs are not allowed in the lobby!

I turned to the woman with the dog and said, "She's wrong. Dogs are allowed in the building, so they're allowed in the lobby." (Note: I wouldn't have intervened if it was a rabid pit bull, but this dog is harmless and it is true that dogs are allowed in the building.)

Amazingly, Miserable Woman shut up. So I went on walking and she started badgering the woman again. So I turned around and said, "Don't listen to her, she's a miserable person."



U know, I think u are right! and its sad at the same time isn't it?
judy in ky said…
Good for you! I am so glad you defended the woman and her dog. They have every right to be there. I wouldn't get in the elevator with the mean woman either.
Domestic Kate said…
I love this! And I'm glad that you directed your comments at the woman with the dog instead of provoking the miserable woman, which wouldn't have made anyone feel good.
Rachel Federman said…
I am impressed. This is really good! It's hard to stand up to bullies. I've tried therapy numerous times to be able to stand up to the bullies that surround me (friends/family). It is tough. I think I'm getting slightly better. Keep us up to date with your anti-bully campaign.

(BTW, I love pit bulls...they are the world's best dogs.)
Poppy said…
This Suzy said…
That's so awesome!!

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