You only have a baby for a year

I saw some ad on Facebook or something that said, "You only have a baby for a year!" The idea was, after that you have a toddler. It's something I've been keenly aware of with Z. With E, the whole task of taking care of a baby, while often joyful, was sometimes overwhelming. This time, being the second time around, I'm more aware of how fast everything will go by, and more in a frame of mind to "enjoy every moment" (or, if not every moment, to be aware of how fleeting it is). It's funny how everything you do can already be tinged with nostalgia. However, I might be getting ahead of myself...she doesn't even have hair yet :) I'm really looking forward to seeing it when it comes, and seeing if it's curly or not (E has a head of wild curls).

It's also interesting how your perspective can change with more information. Unfortunately I have to be vague here because you never know who's reading. This involves two other people (not me). I had felt critical of one person's actions, but found out more about the other person involved, and now I feel more understanding. I think it's important to remember that there always may be layers you're not seeing, information you don't have yet, before you judge.


Yes, but in your heart no matter how old they get they're still your babies... My adult kids still come to me when they need an opinion, to vent, whatever... its just the dynamics that change
Rachel Federman said…
I always have that nostalgia-in-the-moment thing. Totally understand where you are coming from on that. And no, you're not getting ahead of yourself because each stage with an infant is SO drastically different. I just remember all these tiny little moments almost, where I knew W wasn't going to do the same thing a week later even, like a certain chirp or the way when they're newborns they do those orchestra hands and then that stops. Or just taking them out on their first beautiful spring day, showing them their first dog...already getting an ache in my throat! So glad you are there experiencing the whole thing, letting yourself feel and process it all. That's all you can do.

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