So today my mom, D and I went to Vinny Testa's for lunch. (By the way, I'm in Massachusetts.) Vinny Testa's is a Boston institution. They used to take a bottle filled with tiles and shake it at the end of the meal, then pick one to see if you won a free meal. D said it ended the meal on a bad note because you usually don't win. We never did, anyway. They got rid of the tradition, whether because of the economy or D's hypothesis, we'll never know.

Anyway, they have fantastic bread, served with a big head of roasted garlic in a dish of olive oil. E had some of the bread, crumbled up. Nearby was a baby named Isaac, with adorable pudgy cheeks. Suddenly his mother looked in his mouth and screamed.

"He just popped his first tooth! RIGHT NOW! I'm calling his grandmother." And she whipped out her cell phone.

I was bemused because I couldn't remember when E's two teeth came in. They both arrived after his nine-month "birthday" and before his tenth. And they're cute. That's all I know. And he's working on a third one, I think.

I saw that the mother was a formula-feeder. That's one of the things I'm curious about but think I shouldn't ask - how many people breastfeed as opposed to using formula. And if they breastfeed, how long they did it. It's funny, I went into it planning to breastfeed for 3 months, and only if it was easy. Now E is ten months and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I might wean him at a year. Or I might go a little longer.


BabelBabe said…

This should answer some of those questions.

sometimes I fed Q a bottle of breastmilk - so looks can be deceiving....

I am still nursing him once a day, only at night just before only tapered after my weekend away last month, though....
BabelBabe said…
also, i found stats on UK breastfeeding, that were very interesting..I couldn't find anything quickly that was identical for the US....I'll post it to your FB wall...
Bearette said…

I think you can tell by the bottle, though. The formula bottles tend to be bigger than the Medela breastfeeding bottles.

I'm gonna check out those stats after Easter dinner :)
Bearette said…
that is really cool! i like how they break it down by state. i noticed more babies were nursed in MA than NY, period, but more babies were nursed for 12 months in NY.
Anonymous said…
Are there bottles specifically for formula? When I pump I store my milk in the little ones that came with my Medela pump, but the bottles L drinks out of are just regular Born Free bottles.

E might wean himself, you never know. Of course, it seems like he's a pretty big fan of b'feeding, so maybe not. :)
judy in ky said…
I like your new photo. E is such an adorable little boy!

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