On teeth and adults

So yesterday E and I were trapped inside by the rain. I could have used his plastic stroller cover, but it was the type of torrential rain that drowns you within minutes. It was a very grey and sodden sort of day. So we stayed indoors even though I think he's cutting about 3 teeth - the pediatrician said he had several "buds." He has two teeth on the bottom already, but they didn't cause half as much trouble.

I survived the day with a sense of pride (got through it! yay) and got up to make carrot raisin muffins this morning. They were awesome. Then E and I wandered the streets and went to a playground near my building. He swung a bit in a bucket swing, and then we went to a little wooden house intended for the young 'uns. I couldn't help but remember the playground of my own youth, all rusted tin and flaky paint. Everything in this park was wooden or plastic with nary a sharp edge to be found.

I did find some graffiti, which surprised me (its content, not its existence). It said: "I'm having trouble learning to become an adult. I know how to be a kid. Let me learn." This was something that plagued me after college. It felt like I was suddenly plunged from having fun into a dull, corporate world. I still didn't really grow up, not until I had E. But this time, it feels like growing up in a good way. And you can still keep your inner child alive when you have a baby :)


judy in ky said…
My dad always said you never really grow up until you have a child of your own.
Roxanne said…
I often wonder if I hadn't had children so young if I would have felt the same way...

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