E's new thing is to grab his big toes:

We also voted.


This suzy said…
Technically, I could've voted in this election, but I don't feel like it's my place to vote for a president for a country I no longer live in.

E's smile is so cute! Makes me smile too. :)
Bearette said…
Isn't it? :) Are you going to vote in Canadian elections?
This suzy said…
As only a Canadian Permanent Resident and not a citizen, I can't vote up here. So, as I like to say, I'm in no-voters land. lol
Anonymous said…
The grabbing of the toes seems quite yoga-ish (we do that in class anyway). He certainly looks happy.
judy in ky said…
Love the laugh!
Poppy said…
Awwww, he is always so adorable!

And yay to voting!!!

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