Ethan Hawke for the fourth time

Or is it fifth?

I saw EH strolling down the avenue where I live, looking very debonair. He has gained maybe 5 pounds, bringing him up from "gaunt" to "thin." He looked good.

I do feel like I know him by now. Maybe I should arrange a play date with E and his kids? I heard he just had a new baby...

And he lives just a few blocks away (or so I'm told).


Poppy said…
I've not seen anyone famous yet. Well, hmm, I wonder if the owners of the company I work for are famous? But... I don't think that counts.
Roxanne said…
You could make it onto Celebrity Baby Blog! (I admit it's my guilty pleasure)
Bearette said…
Poppy - probably not ;)

Roxanne - I never heard of that one!
BabelBabe said…
i went to college with him - well, before he dropped out after his second semester to film Dead Poets' Society and become rich and famous and marry Uma Thurman.

He was sort of an asshole, but most of the freshman acting students were, so take that for what it's worth. BUT he looked then and still does (at least in pictures) as if he needed a good scrub. Does he in real life?
Bearette said…
! That is so cool. I can't believe you went to school with him!

He looks pretty clean now. I guess his hair is slightly greasy.
Anonymous said…
I suppose the fact that you live near him makes these sightings understandable, but still, I find that EH is an interesting choice for coincidence to make. It's like when I heard that Paula Abdul had a stalker. Why Paula? Why Ethan Hawke and no one else?
Anonymous said…
BTW, I just typed in "celebrity baby blog." That is a dangerous road to go down!
Bearette said…
I've actually seen other celebs, but none so frequently as him. We used to go to a restaurant uptown where Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick always were...

And my very first NY celebrity was Susan Sarandon, back in '99.
Anonymous said…
I'll always think of EH as greasy, especially after Reality Bites.
Bearette said…
He really was, in that one.

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