Water strikes twice in one day

Yesterday, water was a very powerful force in our lives. First, someone (not D) spilled it on my open laptop. After the spiller left, my laptop died. It was partly resuscitated this morning. I'm going to have to either get it fixed or get a new one. It would be tacky to ask the spiller to pay for it, and we won't; but a small, resentful part of me does wish the spiller would go through the shlepping and calling and warranty-hunting and general annoyance I'm going to have to undergo to get it fixed. But D doesn't want to tell him it's broken, and that's probably the classy thing to do. It's just annoying.

Then our bathtub overflowed. D started to fill the tub while I stripped E down for his bath. We both got distracted, chatting, and suddenly there was an ocean on the (hardwood) hallway floor. We sprang into action with a mop, but it was ineffectual. So we grabbed towels and started sopping up the mess and wringing them out. Then maintenance appeared, unbidden, and helped out. Apparently the people who lived beneath us had alerted them.

The bathtub problem is fixed now. Hopefully the computer will be soon, too.


This suzy said…
What a pain for your laptop! I hope you can get it fixed or replaced soon and without too much more hassle.
Anonymous said…
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys. I am going to try to take it to a repair place either tonight or tomorrow.
blackcrag said…
I hopeneither of you are water signs! Or should that be none of you?

And, in this day nad age, the spiller should be aware water and technology don't mix. If he or she saw the accident he or she was responsible for, recompense should be a matter of course.
Bearette said…
BC - I agree, but it was D's father, so the situation was kind of sensitive, and I felt D should decide how to proceed. Still, it was a pain...

And actually, I am a water sign! (Cancer)
Poppy said…
Walk into the Apple Store with E in your arms and the laptop in the other and say "please handle."

Or, Jenny from For the Birds is selling two MacBooks if you want to buy? Not sure if she's already sold them yet, but if not you could try contacting her about them.

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