So D and I went swimming today - my first time since June 3! We took E with us, using the seldom-touched car seat so we could take a taxi. At the pool, some batty lady accused me and D of moving her towels, or making them disappear, despite the fact that they were right there. Finally she listened to me (I kept saying, "Those are probably yours"), picked them up and stormed off. D finds psychos entertaining; I probably let them get to me too much.

The swim was good. My arms have gotten stronger from carrying E around. He'll be 7 weeks old on Wednesday, yet he's wearing 3-month onesies!


BabelBabe said…
did the baby like the water? Quarto likes splashing his arms and then looks confused when he gets water on his face.
BabelBabe said…
also, i meant to say before, it's awesome that you are so active with the baby. seriously. it'll keep you from going bonkers. my first baby was a winter baby and so we were stuck at home a lot and it was HARD.
Bearette said…
hehe! we didn't put him in yet. i'm going to try to take a mommy & me baby swim class with him at 6 months, though (the earliest they allow).

Yeah, i'm glad he was born in the summer! we planned it that way - figured that would make things better :)
G said…
N is going to the beach this weekend for the first time! I have a little giraffe bathing suit for her and matching hat :)

You know, she was also wearing 3 month clothes when she was about a month old, now she is wearing 6 month size and is almost out of it! She is a very long baby!!

I can't wait to meet E in September.
Bearette said…
Yeah, it'll be nice to meet N too :)

E was 21 1/2 inches at birth. I think that's long, too...
Bearette said…
The giraffe bathing suit sounds really cute! I wonder if I'll see a picture on your blog...
Caro said…
Happy belated birthday!

Psycho people bug me too. You're not alone.
Bearette said…
You are actually un-belated because it's tomorrow :) I just had the bday party early since I figured no one would be able to come on a Tuesday night.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you got to swim finally. Now that I've started swimming, I think I'd miss it if someone told me I couldn't.

I think I would have also gotten irritated at the woman over the whole towel business. I don't deal well with people being angry at me because I try so very hard to not be offensive or in anybody's way.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a nice nap and some delicious cake. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, Liz :) I did get to sleep in due to the miracle of pumping!
Ashley Beth said…
I have often wondered how easy it is in NYC to take a baby in a cab with a car seat. Sounds not so hard!

I hope you had a good birthday.
Bearette said…
He's keeping me busy, but yes, thank you!

Yeah, it was surprisingly easy - we just had to thread the seatbelt through a pair of slots in the carseat. The carseat itself is heavy, though.

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