I went swimming today and it was awesome. A couple of things happened:

The lifeguard on duty today was from Philly and very chatty. D's father's side of the family is from Philadelphia and D is always impressed by the friendliness there. Anyway, I could tell he was gearing up for a long chat, so I said, "I have to rush back - I only left 3 bottles." His eyes widened and he said, "Okay, have a good day." I realized later that 3 bottles for an hour's separation probably sounded like a lot to him. But he doesn't know how my son eats!

In the locker room, I was changing when a bunch of little girls ran into my section, giggling. Their swim teacher suddenly said, "Pregnant lady coming through!" and I thought, "Are they talking about me?", hoping they weren't. I think I only looked pregnant for a week and a half or so after I got out of the hospital. It turns out she was talking about an actual pregnant lady, who told the children, "I have a baby in my tummy, but I didn't eat it." I told D that we all laughed and he asked if it was funny or if I laughed out of obligation. I told him it was actually funny, because she said it in a silly way.


Anonymous said…
This reminds me of my friend's post in which she wrote about being horrified that her pregnant sister-in-law told her son that her baby would come out of her butt (http://hundredacrewood.blogspot.com/2008/03/boys-have-penises-and-girls-have.html). Well, I suppose if she had ingested him/her...Very strange.

I swam today too! No lifeguards from Philly, but there were a whole lot of a teenagers there. I think I got out just in the nick of time.

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