So I gave E his first real bath today. I probably should have done this long ago -- his circumcision and cord sites healed a while ago, meaning I could move beyond sponge baths -- but I never did. I thought it was about time. So I drew a small bath (very low level of water), put his little blue bath chair in it, and put him in the chair. His eyes popped wide open the way they do whenever he has a new experience. I wished I had my camera with me, because he looked really cute, but I didn't want to leave him unattended.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub and washed him, and then I saw a little arc slicing through the air. It landed on my knee. When I realized what it was, I started laughing. I remember when I found out he was a boy, I thought, "He's going to pee on me," but now that it's happened, I just thought it was funny.


Roxanne said…
You've officially been initiated! Life with boys is always full of excitement. :)
This suzy said…
Boys just always have to find a way to draw attention to their penises, don't they? LOL
blackcrag said…
Yeah, that whole pee associated with water never really goes away.

No matter our age, if we have to go, we can be triggerred by running water, or, if we have malicious friends and we are deep sleepers, putting our fingers in warm water whilst we are deep asleep...

Oh well, it's a parenthood initiation.

P.S. Two nephews and still uninitiated....
Anonymous said…
I'm sure that your knee will be the first among many objects E will pee on during his lifetime...Gotta love boys.
Tracy said…
ha ha!
I have a friend with a son... and he has done that to her more than once.
Just wait til you are changing his diaper and he POOS in your hand!
Caro said…
Just wait until he poops in the tub. Heh heh.
Bearette said…
Heh...not looking forward to that one ;)

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