Well, I realized the breast pump is the solution to my problems. So I assembled it last night. The only problem is...I didn't get much milk from it. 1 1/2 oz on the left, 1 oz on the right. Now we know why E is a left-breast man.

I guess I'll try again later? I could have let the session go on longer, I guess. I have to remember to put it on a slightly slower speed next time.


Anonymous said…
Talking about pumping breast milk makes me immediately think of this ad: http://www.easyexpressionproducts.com/picture1.html

Words cannot even express how much this image makes me laugh everytime I see it. I think, "Man that woman must have a SERIOUSLY busy schedule to need a strap-on industrial milking contraption."
Bearette said…
Leah-what happened to your blog???
This suzy said…
I'm afraid I have no words of wisdom. Or even ones without wisdom. lol
BabelBabe said…
you won't get as much from the pump as the baby can get from you. so don't worry about him starving : )

play around with pressure and speed - some work better than others. for example, my best yield is high pressure/slower speed.

sometimes you get a second letdown. try to hang on for that.

look at pics of the baby when getting started - sounds corny but it helps letdown.

eat oatmeal (it boosts milk supply) and stay well hydrated. there's Mother's Milk tea (tastes like bleh, though) and fenugreek supplements, if you're so inclined. I just ate oatmeal.

and relax : ) easier said than done, i know...
Bearette said…
i managed to go back and get a total of 4.5 oz...but can't pump anymore right now b/c he's in remora mode!
Caro said…
I never could pump. It would sit there for 45 minutes and get 2 ounces. It was easier to mix up some formula if we had to go out. Good thing we never went out. LOL
G said…
yeah, it's true...you never get that much with pumping, at least not at first. you will get the hang of it though!! ;)
Bearette said…
Caro - lol :)

G - yeah, it seems the trick of it is for me to do it in the morning, before nursing. Still, it seems the natural way is more efficient...

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