A lot of things are easier the second time around.

Well, D stays up a bit later than I do, so he planned to try a bottle while I was sleeping. It didn't work, so I thought, "I guess E is an anti-bottletarian."

This morning, I woke up after D, and D told me he had given E the bottle! Yay! Of course, he still wanted to nurse about a half an hour* later (E is what the Sears baby book calls a "marathoner").

And my pumping session this morning yielded a full bottle.

So hopefully he will like the stroller better the next time I try it. A couple of nights ago, I put him in the stroller and he looked around with big, bright eyes - This is exciting! Then I strapped him in and he started to wiggle and fret. When I told D, he laughed and said, "Well, you don't like being restrained, either." So for now, I'll take him to the doctor's office in the Ergo.

*Actually, it was probably more like an hour. Hard to keep track of time when you're sleeping ;)


This suzy said…
Yea for things working better the second time! :)
Anonymous said…
Maybe E's just not into "new" stuff. I know exactly how he feels :)
Bearette said…
Hehe. That's an interesting perspective ;)
Roxanne said…
I'm glad the pumping is going better for you (and that E took to the bottle so quickly!). I wish I'd have had a little break once in a while. All I had was this cheapo hand operated one that did nothing. I think all I ever got was maybe 1 ounce and lots of pain to go with it. Did you try the trick of looking at his picture (or him) or was it a matter of playing with the controls? Just curious.
Bearette said…
i actually tried the picture trick both times...i think what helped more was i had just gotten up and not fed him yet, so there was the night's milk stored up...
Bearette said…
yeah, i heard bad things about the hand operated ones. i'm sorry it was painful.

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