I just started reading Birds of Paradise by Diana Abu-Jaber. So far, I love it. It's set in Miami, where I haven't been since 2010, and it really evokes the beach, the whole community, for me. It was a relief to find this book, because I was trying to read another novel before that just wasn't working for me. You know how it feels when you're slogging through something?

I also discovered some great cookies. They're made by Divvies and sold at Whole Foods. I bought 2 small bags, molasses ginger and oatmeal raisin. Usually oatmeal is my favorite, but I love the ginger.

E still seems to be enjoying preschool. He was scared of gym class for a while; there was a "rolling activity" that scared him. Now he goes to gym without crying, and when he got home, he typed "gym" on my computer and smiled.


judy in ky said…
I will have to look into that book. I've been "slogging" through one that I may not finish.
I hated gym because we were supposed to climb a rope... who can climb a rope? Who wants to? Anyway, I'm glad that E likes it now.
Bearette said…
exactly! as a side note, he loves music class. he calls it "moo-sic" class and asks, "what happened to the violin?"

which book are you slogging through?
judy in ky said…
It's called "The Adults" by Alison Espach. I think it's her first novel.
crystal said…
Oh! I didn't know she had a new book! I'm going to find it ASAP. :)
Bearette said…
Crystal - it was good. A little bit mystifying in parts, but everything came together by the end.

Judy - I read that one. I know what you mean. She wasn't a bad writer, but parts of it were eh.
judy in ky said…
I put Birds of Paradise on the Kindle and am really liking it. Now I have to fight my husband for the Kindle, as he is reading on it too.
Bearette said…
that's funny. thankfully i don't have that problem yet; d still prefers the print version.

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